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New ABRSM Syllabus from 2023 for Trumpet Grades 1 to 8

For the grade you will have to learn three pieces marked out of 30 points each (Pass 20).


The new syllabus has changed the format of the exam slightly. Previously you had to do a List A and B (accompanied) and a List C unaccompanied. From 2023 you choose a piece from each list and only one can be Solo (unaccompanied). So all three pieces can be accompanied now. For grades 1 to 3 the accompaniment can be a duet if that is an option for the piece. Some pieces may require you to play two movements, but this still only counts as one piece. Recorded accompaniments are not allowed and the candidate will have to provide a pianist for the exam.

Scales and Arpeggios are to be memorised and marked out of 21 points (Pass 14)


The ABRSM trumpet syllabus has an updated scale list to learn with new patterns not in the previous syllabus. Make sure your Scale book/sheet is from 2023 onwards! Get your 2023 ABRSM scale sheet here! 

The Sight-Reading test is marked out of 21 points (Pass 14).


The Sight-reading requirement has also been updated. Generally the sight reading will be in the key of the required scales for that grade so make sure you have the new book from 2023! The main change in the sight-reading test is for Trumpet grades 6-8 with transposition for trumpet in C. Previously there were two different tests, but now the transposition is incorporated in to one sight reading test with the trumpet in C normally added to the last phrase/section of the test. You get about half a minute to practise the sight reading test!

The Aural Test is Marked out of 18 points (Pass 12).


The Aural Test is unchanged. The ABRSM Aural Trainer app is brilliant tool for helping you to prepare the exam. Its is available in grades 1 to 5 and 6 to 8. 

The marking scheme is:

Pass 100/150

Merit 120/150

Distinction 130/150

You don't have to pass every element to achieve an overall pass.

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Colchester, Essex 07718 208592

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